Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today I arrive in Texas, on my way to the MD Anderson Cancer Center for my appointments starting in the morning.  With a 3 hour time difference, let's pray that I don't sleep through any alarms tomorrow morning!  Mean thing to do to a Cushie, making them have morning appointments! 

This is the main campus of MD Anderson.  When we said it was a maze, we weren't joking!  Sky bridges from one building to the next, little carts to ferry people like they have in airports (Beep beep!), multiple cafeterias, office locations given coordinates (7th floor, G elevator), it's own beauty shop, and even it's own hotel attached via sky bridge.  What is more impressive in comparison to all of that, is how just plain NICE everyone is.  I mean, people are nice in KTN, but for the most part, MD Anderson was amazing.  Everyone smiles genuinely, everyone likes helping you.  I even watched a gentleman in a lab coat walking through the hall stop and pick up a patient's tablet before it hit the floor (he'd fallen asleep waiting outside of the surgical area and it was sliding slowly off his lap).  Something small, sure, but it is just an example of the full-blown hospitality that is common-place there.  I've not been to a hotel that treated me any better, though I am glad none of them tried to drill into my skull.  ;)

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